Thursday, August 14, 2008

Back from the Beach!

Actually, we got back late Saturday night. But with (attempting) to get caught up on housework, getting back to work and gearing up for a trip to Indianapolis for a family reunion, I haven't had time to post.

Florida was great fun. We ate, drank, swam, sunbathed, talked, relaxed, took walks, slept, read, played with children, etc. I am always sad to see vacation end, but now I am back and ready to get organized before Corbin starts school.

I will share (or intend to share) some more pics and stories from Florida, but I will give you the summary.

We ate at The Back Porch, a favorite of my dad and me. It is an open air restaurant right on the beach with wonderful seafood.

Here is a picture of Corbin and I there:

There were TONS of jellyfish in the water. I didn't get stung - a good thing considering I am iffy on going in any water filled with living creatures. On the first day, my sister caught a jellyfish for the kids to look at. But I think that created bad karma, because my poor nephew was stung twice (after the second time, as he was crying, he yelled, "Take me to the hospital!"). I believe my BIL was stung once. Below is our jellyfish, which I named Al. I think we kept him out of the water to long, because Al met his maker that afternoon in a sand bucket. Probably not a good way to go when you are a jellyfish.

My dad and I took a walk through a beautiful state park (or at least part of it).

Here are a few others, just for fun. Will be back in town on Sunday. Have a great weekend!

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