Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Funny Mikey
Mike: What the HELL just happened?
Me: What did you say?
Mike (suddenly shy): Um, I said 'what the hell'.
Me: You know, you really shouldn't say that word.
Mike: O.K.
Me: You should maybe say "what the heck" instead.
Mike: Oh, I'm not allowed to say that.
He is always hilarious to watch open presents. Last year, the first gift he opened on Christmas Eve was from my parents. They'd gotten each grandchild an outfit and a toy. He opened the outfit first and burst into tears, yelling "I got clothes!" He was so someone stuck an empty package of candy.
Birthdays can always be interesting too. When he was three, he chose the moment of opening gifts to start using the phrase, "What the...?!" He never completed the sentence, but said that as he unwrapped each present. Of course, it is hard to hold in laughter but all that does it make it worse. My sister still has no idea where he learned that. At his fifth birthday in August I got him some Star Wars action figures and a lite saber, and when he opened it, he exclaimed, "Oh no." Kind of like "Oh no you di'nt." You can't make this stuff up.
In other fun boy stuff, Corbin thinks it is hilarious to fart on me or right by me. We went through that a few years ago. I would probably be traumatized, except I grew up with a brother who would come over and fart directly on my head when we were younger (although he was too old to be doing that). What can you do but roll your eyes and tell him to knock it off. If he doesn't get a reaction, he moves on.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What's next?
This would be a traumatic experience for anyone, but my cousin lost her mother to cancer five years ago. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992. She had a double mastectomy and chemo and was declared cancer free. Seven years after that, she found out that the cancer had returned in her spine. She went through treatment for four years. Bone cancer is not something that you can cure, but they would treat it to keep it from spreading to her organs. It eventually spread to her liver and brain, and she passed away in 2003. Most people do not live as long as she did with bone cancer. It was in virtually every bone in her body. Walking was painful. She couldn't bend over to pick something up off the floor. One day she was having blood drawn and the nurse turned her arm over and broke it. My point is that she truly suffered. When she couldn't teach anymore (incredibly, she taught up to five months before her death), my cousin quit her job to stay home and take care of her during the day. My point in sharing all this is just that this is really a sucker punch for her. She knows that this isn't the same as her mom's cancer, but it is still terrifying.
They will be getting a second opinion. Please pray that comes back negative. And pray for strength for their entire family. They have three boys aged 3.5 and younger. Please pray that Niki gets the help she needs from family and friends. She lives in Atlanta, and I obviously don't have the means to get down there. It kills me to be so far away and not be able to help her.
And seriously, two more weeks of 2008 is two weeks too long.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Christmas Giveaway
The Family Tree
I put the lights on the tree...
...only to discover that half of them were burnt out. A trip to Wal-Mart yielded new lights and a couple of ornaments for Corbin, including this, which was only $2 (and is really glittery and cute in person):
We've always had a tradition in my family where my parents would give ornaments to us each year, and I have continued that with Corbin. Therefore, my tree is exploding with ornaments. But Corbin has a great time getting them out every year and hearing about where each ornament came from. When Corbin was little, I would get him the Hallmark baseball ornaments each year (Mark McGwire is pictured above).
A couple of Corbin's "Baby's First Christmas" ornaments follow. He was born in 2000, so the "millennium baby" stuff was fun.
I'm sure I will share more ornament shots throughout the next few days. Here is Corbin with the finished picture (although I swear that the tree looks bigger in person. Or my child is just that tall!).
Still alive...
My computer pooped out right after Thanksgiving. Two weeks later (yesterday) I finally found out that they have to replace my motherboard (I don't know what that is, but it sounds awesome) and my screen. Don't know what happened to cause the problems, aside from my bad luck with electronics in general. Seriously. The last digital camera I bought crapped out about 8 months after I bought it. The manufacturer replaced that for free. The thug who snatched my purse may be giving the replacement to his dear old granny for Christmas...or it may be sitting in some pawn shop, having been used to feed his addiction to blow. (I think the word blow is fun to use in reference to drugs, but I have to admit, I am not totally sure what drug I am referencing). But hopefully I will have my computer back next week.
I've started working out everyday again. I did ten miles on the exercise bike and 1.5 on the elliptical machine. I find working out is a better alternative to watching daytime TV and drinking a bottle of whiskey. (Note: I've never really drank an entire bottle of whiskey. Especially in the middle of the day. I just like to be dramatic.)
My parents were in a really bad car accident on Saturday night. They were driving to a meeting out in House Springs, and were driving down highway 30 and a 17-year-old girl pulled out right in front of them. We think their car is totaled, but, thankfully, everyone is okay. Just a little bruised. I picked up my parents from the accident site and took them to get a stiff drink. Everyone's nerves were a little shaken, but sitting across the table from them, I couldn't stop thinking about how grateful I was that they were not injured...or worse. Life can truly change in an instant.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Happy Thanksgiving
We went to my parents' house for the day. Since my siblings were spending the day with their in-laws, my parents and I enjoyed an untraditional feast of crab legs...
- Corbin
- Family
- Friends
- Health
- Home
- Safety
- Faith
- My country
I hope you were all able to spend time enjoying family and friends. We are all blessed with every second we are able to have with our loved ones.
Now, off to clean the carpets!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pity Party is Over
Anyway, just wanted to say that I am done with the pity party and moving on. :) Tomorrow is Corbin's First Communion (I know, weird that they do it on Thanksgiving). He is excited, and we bought him his first suit. He looks so handsome. I had tears in my eyes when he tried it on. I will post some pictures after the big day!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Get in line...

Conversation in the car this morning
Me: What's your favorite part about Christmas?
Corbin: That I get presents.
Me: My favorites parts are spending time together putting up the Christmas tree, appreciating those we love and being thankful that Jesus was born.
Corbin: Yeah, I mostly like the presents.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me
So, instead of dwelling on the many fears that wake me up in the middle of the night, I decided I would list all of the positive aspects of being unemployed.
- I don't freak out about getting up at 3 a.m. because I know that I can take a snooze later, if needed.
- I get to pick up Corbin right after school and do things like play baseball or other games with him.
- I have time to make a good dinner each night and bake banana muffins, like I did last night.
- I get to catch up on Days of Our Lives. Ok, so I have yet to watch that, but I may start depending on how long this patch lasts.
- I will have time to get certain rooms of my house organized like my closet and office.
Right now I am watching Roseanne reruns and debating on making a pot of coffee. It strikes me how short Johnny Galecki seems on this show. I still always get him confused with Balthazar Getty. But that's neither here nor there.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Need prayers
Please pray for us. I hate that we are in this position.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Bend it like Beckham

Friday, October 31, 2008
Flashback Friday
It's been a while since I have seen this one, but it looks like Bret Michaels is in bed with Slash from Guns N Roses. Just sayin'.
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Things that make me feel old...
But here are the most recent things that make me feel old:
- Over the weekend, when showing my ID to purchase a bottle of wine, the young(er) lady looked at me and said, "You look good for THAT age." Uh, backhanded compliment.
- Corbin and I were talking about JFK yesterday (he read a book about him at school and has a facination with him). He was asking how long ago he was assassinated, and I proudly remembered 1963. He asked how old I was when it happened and I said that I hadn't been born yet. Then he wanted to know when I was born, and when I responded 1979, he got a big grin and said, "Whooaaa...that's a long time ago." Now I know it sounds like that since everyone he knows was born after 2000, but still...
- A few months ago I referenced the movie Footloose at work, and the two younger girls in the department (about 23 yrs old) were all, "Oh, I haven't seen that one." Come on, TBS. You're letting me down. Then I said that Kevin Bacon starred in it, and heard, "Which one is he again?" Then I fainted.
Anyone else have similar experiences?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Alligators and tarantulas and anacondas...oh my!
Corbin had is big birthday party on Saturday. We had 15 kids and a whole bunch of chaos...and fun too! We had Serengeti Steve from The Reptile Experience do a presentation during the party. Despite my issues with snakes and spiders, it was AWESOME! The kids got to pet and hold everything from an alligator (my fave) to a hissing cockroach to a lizard and little snake to an anaconda. The anaconda was super cool because there are only, like, 15 docile anacondas in the world. (You will have to excuse my lack of appropriate names for the animals, as I was basically the paparazzi of the party, trying to get pictures of all of the kids.)
Corbin had a really good time with his friends. He goes to school with some really nice kids. I really like the community.
Here are a couple of highlights:

Also, I have to give props to my fellow St. Louisans for turning out in droves to rally around our (hopefully) next president. Two more weeks! I don't know what I will do with all of my time once I am not obsessing over the election.
Anyhoo, hope everyone has a great week!
Friday, October 17, 2008

There's a man with a clear conscience. :)

For reconciliation, each child makes a banner. Corbin is proud of his.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
When life closes a door, it *shatters* a window

So weird, and definitely what I wanted to spend $230 fixing.
In other news, it is officially my favorite part of the year. We hit went to Rombach's in Chesterfield to get ready for Halloween. Rombach's is seriously one of my favorite places in St. Louis. I guess I remember going there when I was little, and I've taken Corbin each year since he was born (ok, well not the first year, he was 11 days old). But as we were walking around, I was thinking of all of the cute pictures that I have of him as a toddler climbing on the huge pumpkins. With those images swimming through my head, I decided we should stop to get a picture, and I didn't recognize the kid in the view finder...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
(For some reason the embedding code from YouTube isn't working - any ideas?)
I will definitely have to see the movie. In the meantime, I just need to figure out how to go about finding my Edward Cullen. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
These are the days...
I look back at those chubby legs, the stubby fingers, and the gentle amusement from simple things like swinging, and wish I could have captured it with more than just a picture; with something lifelike that I could revisit over and over.
Don't get me wrong. I love each new stage that I've seen as a parent. Okay, the eye rolling and back talk are not so fun, but nothing compares to witnessing your child learn to talk, listening to them read their first book to you and watching them make new friends. Each new year is exciting...but bittersweet. With each passing year, there is more independence...more necessary freedom...they begin to build their own lives slowly. I know, he's hate, not 18 - don't be overdramatic. But it truly seems like each year goes by more quickly than the last, and it can be scary. In just a few short years, my child has grown so quickly.


I just love this guy.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Death to purse snatchers
On a lighter note, I think that I am finally breaking down and getting Corbin (and me) a dog. We are researching breeds that are good condo dwellers, not known for yapping and won't piss all over the place. Some options we've come up with:

Puggles (Pug/Beagle Mix)
King Charles Spaniels
Any suggestions?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Back from the Beach!
Florida was great fun. We ate, drank, swam, sunbathed, talked, relaxed, took walks, slept, read, played with children, etc. I am always sad to see vacation end, but now I am back and ready to get organized before Corbin starts school.
I will share (or intend to share) some more pics and stories from Florida, but I will give you the summary.
We ate at The Back Porch, a favorite of my dad and me. It is an open air restaurant right on the beach with wonderful seafood.
Here is a picture of Corbin and I there:
There were TONS of jellyfish in the water. I didn't get stung - a good thing considering I am iffy on going in any water filled with living creatures. On the first day, my sister caught a jellyfish for the kids to look at. But I think that created bad karma, because my poor nephew was stung twice (after the second time, as he was crying, he yelled, "Take me to the hospital!"). I believe my BIL was stung once. Below is our jellyfish, which I named Al. I think we kept him out of the water to long, because Al met his maker that afternoon in a sand bucket. Probably not a good way to go when you are a jellyfish.
My dad and I took a walk through a beautiful state park (or at least part of it).
Here are a few others, just for fun. Will be back in town on Sunday. Have a great weekend!