Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back Online

So...I think I am ready to start blogging again. I've struggled a little but with what I want this blog to be. I even thought about starting a different blog with another name because I feel like limiting this to being a mom blog isn't an accurate portrayal of my life. I have a great career and...ok, so basically my life is mom and career. No wonder my 80 year old neighbor felt the need to lecture me on how it is important for me to have a social life too. :)

While being a mother is the most important thing to me right now, we all have identities outside of simply "mom." And as Corbin gets older, I have to force myself to grow those as well. While I am still mostly the center of his life, he is gradually developing his own life. Sleepovers, sports, school...I am not all there is to him anymore. It sucks, but that's the way it is supposed to be. It's the bittersweet part of parenting - you are raising them to be confident adults so that they are able to function on their own and leave the nest.

Through the years, I haven't dated much and going out is fun about 3 times a year. So I am trying to identify the areas where I can do something for me. I mean, I've been a mother nearly my entire adult life, so there's a lot I need to learn. Perhaps learning a new instrument? Writing for fun instead of only professionally? Ummm...maybe finding a relationship that works?

So anyway, ultimately, I decided it would be a pain to change my blog because I am having an internal discussion about my identity.

More to come...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Quick notes

Day two of the new job. LOVING it. Hopefully this will be one of those blessings in disguise. Getting away from the CRAZY that I worked for and finding a completely unexpected and great opportunity. Fingers crossed!

Plus, I just feel alive again! I realized how much my identity is tied to my work....which isn't a GREAT thing, but it is a reality of life as a single mom.

Anyway, I just want to encourage everyone to support each other in these tough times. I am lucky to have a new job, but know many others that are not as lucky right now. Say prayers, keep ears open for job opportunities for others, etc.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mommy Confessions

Just a few thoughts:

  • I miss rocking my baby to sleep every night.
  • I miss mornings spent watching Sesame Street or Elmo's World.
    I miss baby food and bottles.
  • I miss picking him up from daycare and having him run to me like I was the best thing on Earth. Before he was too cool.
  • I miss listening to The Wiggles in the know, the days before Z107 and Y98 were requested.
  • I miss leisurely weekends spent playing at the park, before there were baseball and soccer practices.

I miss those relaxed days of toddlerhood. I don't they don't seem relaxed at the time, but life changes so quickly with children. I am a mere 5 years away from teenage years, and judging from the last few years, these next few will fly by. Hug those babies and kiss those cheeks. :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

New beginnings

I guess that is kind of an oxymoron; I mean it wouldn't be a beginning if it wasn't new, right? Anyway, I've accepted a new job. I will share more about it soon, but wanted to thank you for the prayers! I hope this will be a good career move and that life will be back on track!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy Thursday

Today is one of those days where I feel like this:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Morning conversation

C: Mom, do have ashes for people too? Like with the dog. [Our dog passed away over the summer and when he asked what they were doing with her body, I explained what cremation is.]

M: Well, yes. Some people choose to be cremated rather than buried.

C: When I grow up, I would like to have your ashes. I would keep them somewhere very special.

M: ...........Er, thanks?

I guess it is sort of sweet.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Send prayers and good vibes... this sweet baby girl:

She is the daughter of a friend of a friend. She was born prematurely and then her mommy had to go to heaven. A truly sad, sad story, but I guess God always leaves a silver lining.